Wednesday, April 29, 2009
AWA Safety Day on May 16th at Lake Anna, Virginia.
The course is made up of a state approved boating course in the morning, followed by a free lunch, and then hands on work with your boat, and a written test for your state safety card. The “hands on” portion is taught by Shawn Alladio of K-38 Rescue, the world leader in personal watercraft safety and training.
We keep the course of instruction simple and easy to follow and using your PWC. Tasks include:
-Finding the correct balance of your PWC, and how it works with the throttle.
-How to correctly board your craft in the event of becoming separated from it.
-The “Bottle Drill” will help build your balance and boat control.
-Docking a PWC on an E-Z-Dock and conventional dock.
Plus demonstrations on the correct procedures for overturned craft and much more.
This common sense course is FREE. It’s just another way the AWA makes positive contributions to the boating community. The AWA Safety Day is May 16th 2009 at 9:00 a.m. at the Anna Point Marina ( on the north side of the Rt. 208 Bridge at Lake Anna. Space is limited to the first 30 individuals in order to keep the course small for personal attention. Lunch is included with the course.
To register, just call 800-913-2921(AWA1) and we’ll take care of the rest.
Even if you consider yourself an experienced rider, there is always something new to learn about safety, about being a better a boater, and yourself.
Remember, there are only 30 spaces, so please call today.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
IJSBA Announces New PWC Social Networking and Information Site for Members, Competitors, and Associates
The IJSBA is very pleased to announce an all new service available on the IJSBA website. This summer, IJSBA will activate a social networking and information section which will provide a wide array of benefits and features to the PWC community. IJSBA competitors, recreational members, affiliates, promoters, and aftermarket associates will be able to create profiles and pages accessible directly from the IJSBA website.
Taking cues from successful websites like Myspace, Facebook, and Yelp, the IJSBA is creating a format that streamline the information that PWC enthusiasts are looking for.
Competitor member profile pages will allow competitors to post pictures, video clips, personal information, comments sections, and links to the IJSBA pages of the competitor’s friends, sponsors, and mechanics. Competitors will also be able to link to their own Myspace and Facebook pages.
Competitors will even be able to sign up for bonus features like placing their own banners on the page. Competitors will be able to list their make/model of PWC, featured performance parts, race number, and win statistics. The site search engine will allow persons to search for members by using any of these methods as the search criteria as well as by geographic region (domestic and international).
Recreational member profile pages will have all of the features of competitor pages except for the win statistics and race number posting features.
Aftermarket Associate pages will allow these members to post pictures, video clips, tech tips, and advertisements of products and services. Aftermarket Associate Members will also be able to have a public ranking and feedback system where only registered competitor and recreational members can provide publicly viewable comments regarding the Aftermarket Associate Members’ products, services, and business.
Aftermarket Associates will be able to link their IJSBA profile page to their own websites. Also, Aftermarket Associates who have banners on the IJSBA and the Profile pages will be able to sign up for a reporting service which will provide tracking data of which IJSBA Competition members are linking the public to the Aftermarket Associate’s websites.
This service will easily provide for reward programs for those competitors who are able to show real attention to their sponsors. IJSBA will soon be asking for beta testers to participate in this program. For inquiries about this exciting new IJSBA program, please email: or call +1-(714)-751-8695.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Fabio Annigoni, K38Italia Instructor and founder of K38, a company 'of rescue work for years in the U.S..Australia, Japan, Hawaii, Brasil, Italia, UK, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Switzerland, Micronesia, South Africa. We have already formed: Civil Defense - Fire - Navy - Coast Guard - Beach Facilities - Assistants bathers K38 International affilates;Shawn explain the 'This system was successfully used also in situations of extreme danger, both in sea, in rivers and lakes full of all the USA. Annigoni, gia 'in possession of the pilot's license, was then informed that, with his interest in this area could take part in a course to rescue them from' a little would be required to Half Moon Bay (California). Qui pote 'to establish the efficiency of this form of aid (Rescue Boat: jet with stretcher) with waves of several meters!
In 1999 the Genoese pilot of jet Fabio Annigoni, went 'on Lake Havasu City (Arizona-USA) to attend the final championship of the world of personal watercraft. Known 'that help to make the circuit there was a jet with a special stretcher fixed later. Went 'just them' to seek information about this special means of assistance to Shawn Allada (He returned to Italy enthusiast, realized the need 'to introduce this system in Italy. From that moment it began to promote "personal watercraft from salvamento" presenting, with great success in various trade fairs and exhibitions nautical (Rimini, Carrara, Genoa) with the support of the Italian Federation Motonautica.In April 2000, took part in a World Summit in water rescue took place in Las Vegas, where the instructor and now friend Shawn Allada, the education 'in river and lake, approaching the status of instructor. After several stages of training, since 2004, and Fabio Annigoni 'K38 instructor of USA and since 2006 as authorized trainer for instructors and operators in the K38 International.The aquabike by salvamento sometimes makes means of assistance such as ribs, hands or shoes, outdated and inadequate in relation to a nature more and more 'violent and difficult to control. A raft or a hand, just can against strong currents or waves of several meters, which prevented them to an exit and return safely. FABIA ANNIGONI - Recco (Ge) - ITALY
* 1998 - 3° Place Runabout Stock Italian Championship* 1999 - 1° Palce FIM Trophy Runabout 1200 SuperStock* 2004 - 1° Place Runabout Freeride Italian Championship* K38 Water Safety Instructor (Usa)We need to compare the means of rescue in a toolbox. Every tool has its specific function: it must be for life-saving. More and 'the choice of gear, most' will be targeted 'the solution to the problem. The personal watercraft is not 'the solution for everything, but it' certainly an important element in the mosaic of salvamento.
Link Photos and Videos* K38 International Water Safety Instructor* K38 Italia Water Safety Instructor* FIM Teacher – Aquabike Rescue Technique* Italian Fire Dept Teacher Aquabike Rescue Technique* F.I.M. - Water-Safety Marshal (1999/2006)* UIM – Water-Safety Marshal Aquabike World Championship (1999/2007)* IJSBA - Water-Safety Marshal World Championship (Year 2000 and 2008)
For its part the helicopter, used for recoveries more 'extreme and not always' available, and when the e', is still a rescue system that involves difficulties' and major operational costs. Of course essential for the use of aquabike in salvamento and 'the training of operators, who will be conducting a half totally different from the normal motion of water, making it unsuitable for this purpose the ship's normal to date of request law.
Fabio Annigoni, K38Italia
Nel 1999 il pilota genovese di moto d'acqua Fabio Annigoni, si reco' a Lake Havasu City (Arizona-USA) per assistere alla finale di Campionato del mondo di moto d'acqua. Noto' che a fare assistenza nel circuito c'era una moto d'acqua con una speciale barella fissata posteriormente. Si reco' subito li' a chiedere informazioni riguardo questo speciale mezzo di soccorso a Shawn Alladio ( istruttrice e fondatrice del K38, una societa' di salvataggio che da anni opera negli USA.
Shawn gli spiego' che questo sistema era usato con successo anche in situazioni di pericolo estremo, sia in mareggiate, nei fiumi in piena e nei laghi di tutti gli USA. Annigoni, gia' in possesso della licenza di pilota, venne allora informato che, visto il suo interesse in questo campo, avrebbe potuto prendere parte ad un corso di salvataggio che da li' a poco si sarebbe tenuto ad Half Moon Bay (California). Qui pote' constatare l'efficienza di questo mezzo di soccorso (Rescue Boat: moto d'acqua con barella) con onde di diversi metri!
Abbiamo giĆ formato:
Protezione Civile - Vigili del Fuoco - Marina Militare - Guardia Costiera - Stabilimenti Balneari - Assistenti Bagnanti
K38 International affilates;
Australia, Japan, Hawaii, Brasil, Italia, UK, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Switzerland, Micronesia, South Africa.
Tornato in Italia entusiasta, si rese conto della necessita' di introdurre questo sistema anche in Italia. Da quel momento infatti diede inizio alla promozione della "moto d'acqua da salvamento" presentandola, con grande successo, in diverse Fiere e saloni nautici (Rimini, Carrara, Genova) con l'appoggio della Federazione Italiana Motonautica. Ad Aprile 2000, prese parte ad un Summit mondiale del salvataggio in acqua svoltosi a Las Vegas, dove l'istruttrice e ormai amica Shawn Alladio, lo istrui' anche in fiume e in lago, avviandolo alla qualifica di Istruttore. Dopo diversi stage formativi, dal 2004 Fabio Annigoni e' istruttore della K38 USA e dal 2006 autorizzato come formatore per istruttori e operatori per la K38 International.
L'aquabike da salvamento a volte, fa apparire mezzi di soccorso quali gommoni, lancette o pattini, obsoleti ed inadeguati nei confronti di una natura sempre piu' violenta e difficilmente controllabile. Un gommone o una lancetta, poco possono nei confronti di correnti forti o onde di diversi metri, che impossibilitano gli stessi ad un uscita e un rientro in sicurezza. Dal canto suo l'elicottero, utilizzato per i recuperi piu' estremi, non sempre e' disponibile, e quando lo e', rimane comunque un sistema di salvataggio che implica difficolta' operative e ingenti costi. Naturalmente elemento essenziale per l'utilizzo delle aquabike nel salvamento e' la formazione specifica degli operatori, che si troveranno a condurre un mezzo totalmente differente dalla normale moto d'acqua, rendendo inadeguata a questo scopo particolare la normale patente nautica fino ad ora richiesta di legge.
Bisogna paragonare i mezzi di soccorso ad una cassetta degli attrezzi. Ogni attrezzo ha la sua funzione specifica: questo deve essere anche per i mezzi di salvataggio. Maggiore e' la scelta degli attrezzi, piu' mirata sara' la soluzione al problema. La moto d'acqua non e' la soluzione per tutto, ma e' sicuramente un tassello di rilievo nel mosaico del salvamento.
Link foto e video
* 1998 - 3° Place Runabout Stock Italian Championship
* 1999 - 1° Palce FIM Trophy Runabout 1200 SuperStock
* 2004 - 1° Place Runabout Freeride Italian Championship
* K38 Water Safety Instructor (Usa)
* K38 International Water Safety Instructor
* K38 Italia Water Safety Instructor
* FIM Teacher – Aquabike Rescue Technique
* Italian Fire Dept Teacher Aquabike Rescue Technique
* F.I.M. - Water-Safety Marshal (1999/2006)
* UIM – Water-Safety Marshal Aquabike World Championship (1999/2007)
* IJSBA - Water-Safety Marshal World Championship (Year 2000 and 2008)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Creating a Web Presence
Information regarding the Parade of Nations can be found at the following web locations
Should you have any questions or comments, you can always send me an email to
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Steward Of The Environment
by Mark Gerner
After riding PWCs in the ocean for the last 13 years, I experienced yet another first this past Sunday. The group made a Long Beach to Catalina and back offshore training ride and we had about 10 Racers, including Shawn Alladio.
I'll save you the detail, the long story short is that we had a great pace out, a great pace on the return leg from Avalon only for me to experience a mechanical about 14 miles from Long Beach. Shawn Alladio, the consumate professional who is always willing to assist, quickly jumped in and offered to give me a tow from her reliable Kawasaki 12F. I agreed, we linked up and away we went at the speed of 12 knots. We talked about various topics then at about ten minutes into the tow I noticed Shawn veering off course and found myself wondered what she was doing.
She appeared focused, given that it was Shawn I didn't question and just let her do her thing. I must acknowledge that I wondered why she was going so far off course towing the thousand pound ULTRA250X craft, but she appeared to be determined and therefore I thought, so be it, let her do her thing.
Off in the distance I saw some trash drifting in the ocean with Shawn clearly focused on getting it out of the water. "Is she going this far out of the way to pick up drifting trash" I thought. Sure enough, she went over, picked it out of the water and placed it safely in the tray.
"I hate trash in the water' said Shawn.
This process happened three more times during the long tow back. I must acknowledge that I always pick up anything I drop in the water, however I have never altered my course while I'm over 10 miles off shore to go pick up a piece of plastic.
This was a first and resulted in a shift of my paradigm, one of many things Shawn Alladio does well. Shawn is the real deal, she gives a sh-- and her actions (her actions) demonstrate. Some people talk smack and then fail to execute, others lead by example and action. Shawn is one of these people.
For more information of offshore and endurance PWC / Jetski racing:
K38 International
Thank Mark and Eileen for always being there for us
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Have you seen the countdown?
2009 World Finals October 10-18, 2009, Lake Havasu City, AZ
181 days, 15 hrs 59 min 42 secs
2009 World Finals Guest Book
This book will be available for signing at the Liquid Militia booth and also the night of the Parade of Nations that will be held on Thursday October 15th @ 7:30 pm.
Once again this special event will be held on the back patio of the London Bridge Resort Convention Center. Everyone is encouraged to attend and bring with them something special from their country to get to another person from a different country. What better way to share our country and culture with others?
IJSBA Announces Hiring of 2009 Summer Office Intern
IJSBA is pleased to announce that we have filled the summer office intern position. Beginning in May, the IJSBA lines and IJSBA clerical will be handled by Eva Cerreta. Eva is a Political Science major from the University of Connecticut who has focused on International Relations and is planning to attend law school after graduation. She will also be participating in our international affairs efforts.
IJSBA still has an intern position available for a Sports Marketing or Sports Management major. Applicants must have completed at least nine semester units of upper division courses in their respective majors and carry a grade point average above 3.0. This intern position includes travel stipend and per diem for participation at the 2009 IJSBA World Finals in October.
For more information about IJSBA intern or employment opportunities, please contact the IJSBA by emailing or by calling +1-(714)-751-8609.